Shipyard Business for Sale in Samut Prakan Province


This shipyard, strategically located in Samut Prakan Province near Bangkok, is now available for sale. Recognized as a leader in the shipbuilding and repair industry, the business specializes in structural works, port paving, and offers comprehensive services to both government and private sectors.

Key Features

  • Prime Location: Situated near the Chao Phraya River, the shipyard benefits from easy access to major waterways, essential for shipbuilding and repair operations.
  • Comprehensive Services: The company excels in ship construction, repair, and structural works, catering to a diverse range of clients, including government agencies.
  • Experienced Workforce: Skilled in handling complex projects across various ship materials such as steel, aluminum, and fiberglass, the workforce is one of the company’s greatest assets.

Financial Highlights

  • Offered Sale Price: 50 Million Baht
  • Revenue (2024): THB 53,493,149.25
  • Net Profit (2024): THB 5,231,629.99
  • Profit Margin: Consistently achieving at least 30% of total revenue annually.

SWOT Analysis

  • Strengths:
  • Strategic location with easy access to waterways.
  • Diverse service offerings.
  • Experienced and skilled workforce.
  • Weaknesses:
  • Limited exposure to international markets.
  • Dependence on government contracts.
  • Opportunities:
  • Expanding into Southeast Asian markets.
  • Embracing technological advancements.
  • Threats:
  • Economic fluctuations.
  • Increasing environmental regulations.

Current Projects

The shipyard is actively engaged in various shipbuilding and repair projects, including:

  • Garbage Collection Boats for Marine (Thai) Group.
  • Repairing Fiberglass Channel Boats for the Naval Dockyard Department.
  • Additional Repairs for Sittem Thai Company.

Why Invest?

This shipyard represents a unique investment opportunity due to its established reputation, stable financials, and significant growth potential. With strong government relationships and a solid foundation, it is well-positioned to expand both domestically and internationally.

Contact Information

For more details or to express your interest, please contact:

  • Captain Dol: +668 1902 4490 | E-mail:
  • Victor Wong: +666 2879 5414 | E-mail:

Explore this promising opportunity to acquire a business with a proven track record in the shipbuilding industry.